Important Note

Please keep in mind ANY translation (interpretation) of the Qur’ān will most definitely contain errors in its translation. In its natural language (Arabic), the Qur’ān is the direct Word of Allāh (God) to mankind through the prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Any translation of the Qur’ān no longer retains that ‘official’ and perfect status, however it can be tremendously helpful to students beginning and wanting to learn more about Islām. We would strongly encourage those that want to learn about Islām to obtain a hardcopy of the Qur’ān but with the following conditions:

  1. Get one with commentary (e.g Tafseer ibn Kathir)
  2. Make sure the commentary is scholarly (e.g. references to reasons behind a verse, references to Hadith and sunnah (prophet Muhammad’s teachings (ﷺ).

After you have read the translation of Qur’ān and if you wish to understand Qur’ān in more detail, then please click the links below to download:

Detailed Explanation of Qur’ānic Verses in English (33 MB)

Detailed Explanation of Qur’ānic Verses in Urdu (353MB)

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