Why Islam?

The Truth About Islam - From Sacred Scriptures, Science and Sound Logic

Speech No. Speach Name Listen
01 Part 1 Listen Audio
01 Part 1 Listen Audio

This detailed study into the Religion of Islam, drawing upon not only religious scripture, but also the statements of well-respected scientists like Albert Einstein amongst others. He also draws heavily upon research studies on issues such as adultery in the United States, all of which point to the validity and justification of Islam in western society.

Why should you be a Muslim - by Abu Tasneem Dawood Adeeb

Speech No. Speach Name Listen
01 Part 1 Listen Audio
01 Part 1 Listen Audio

What is The Purpose of Creation - By Abu Hakim Bilal Davis

Speech No. Speach Name Listen
01 Part 1 Listen Audio
02 Part 2 Listen Audio
03 Part 3 Listen Audio
04 Part 4 Listen Audio
05 Part 5 Listen Audio

What Is Islam - Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis

Speech No. Speach Name Listen
01 What Is Islam – Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis Listen Audio

Every Soul Shall Taste Death - Abu Akeela

How have you prepared? What do not think about it, but with every breath we are a step closer to this day.

Speech No. Speach Name Listen
01 Every Soul Shall Taste Death Listen Audio

Description of Hellfire - Abu Khadijah

Speech No. Speach Name Listen
01 Description of Hellfire Listen Audio

The Reality of Christmas - Abu Hakim Bilal Davis

Speech No. Speach Name Listen
01 The Reality of Christmas Listen Audio

Lectures on Three Fundamental Principles: Abu Talhah Dawud ibn Roland Burbank

Islam always rejected Extreme Ideology

Speech No. Speach Name Listen
01 Islam always rejected Extreme Ideology – Al Qaeeda and Khawarij Listen Audio


Listen to the recording of a recent radio program broadcast live on 900AM WURD in Philadelphia PA. Abul-Hasan Maalik Ibn Aadam appeared as a guest of the show to explain polygyny in Islaam. He additionally spoke about womens rights in Islaam, especially in polygynous marriages, and he also took questions from Muslim and non-Muslim callers.

Speech No. Speach Name Listen
01 Polygamy Part 01 Listen Audio
02 Polygamy Part 02 Listen Audio
03 After the Death of Prophet (peace be upon him), can we innovate into the worship of Islam Listen Audio
04 What is Shirk? Listen Audio
05 Repentance in Islam – Can Allah forgive any sin? Listen Audio
06 World of Jin and Magic Part 1 Listen Audio
07 World of Jin and Magic Part 2 Listen Audio

World of Jin and Magic Slideshow

Urdu Lectures

Speech No. Speach Name Listen
01 Aqeedah Ka Saheeh Hona Listen Audio
02 Aqeeday Ki Kharabi Listen Audio
03 Aqeedah-e-Tauheed Ki Ahmeeyat Listen Audio
04 Beti Ki Shaan Listen Audio

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