Who deserves to be Worshipped Alone?

Who deserves to be Worshipped Alone?

The submission and obedience of man to His Creator is the essence of Islām. The Name “Islām” is chosen by God (Allāh) and not by man. It is the same message revealed to all the prophets and Messengers by Allāh and which they spread amongst their respective nations. In its final and universal form it was revealed to Muhammad (May Allāh exalt his mention and save him and his message from all kinds of evil).

Allāh is the identifying name or title of the Majestic, sole and True God. This noun which is the name of Allāh applies to none other than Him. He, Most Majestic and Most High, has other names all of which follow on from His name Allāh. The meaning of the name Allāh is the ma’looh (that which is worshipped out of love, magnification, deification, and longing). He is the Creator: to Him belongs the Commandment. No worship is worthy of being given to a stone, statue, a cross, a triangle, Khomeini, Farakhan, Elijas, Malcom’s X or Y, Ghandi, Krishna, Gurus, Buddha, Mahatma, Emperor, Joseph Smith, Sun, Moon (not to that from Korea too), Diana, light fire, rivers, cows, Rama, Temples, Prophets, Messengers (Yes! Muslims do not worship Muhammad (Peace be upon him), Saints, Priests, Monks, Haile Selassie, Movie Stars, Sheiks, etc.!! All are created beings or things.

The name Allāh is not chosen by man and it is not named after a prophet, saint or any famous man. The name “Allāh” was referred to by all prophets including Adam, Jesus, Moses, and by the last and final Prophet, Muhammad (Peace be upon him), as the One true God who deserves to be worshipped alone.

The innate nature in man (fitrah) recognises what is good and bad, what is true and false. It recognises that the Attributes of Allāh must be True, Unique, and All-Perfect. It does not feel comfortable towards any kind of degradation of His Attributes nor does it relax towards associating human qualities to the Creator. Many who became “discontent with God” did so because of the practices of the Church in medieval Europe and because of the claims of “god dwelling in a son”, and that “everyone is born with an original sin”. They “escaped” into worshipping a new theory called “mother nature” as well as the “material world”. With the advancement of materialistic technology others from different religions adopted the concept of “forgetting about God” and “let us live this life and enjoy it!” not realising that they have chosen the worship of the “origin god” of Rome: The god of desire!

Today we can see that all of this materialistic progress produced a spiritual vacuum that led to complex social, economical, political, and psychological problems. Many of those who “fled” their “religions” are in search again. Some try to “escape” the complexity of their daily lives via various means. Those who had the chance to examine the Qur’ān and Islām, proceed with a complete code for life which requires man to fulfill the purpose for his presence on earth. Allāh does not want for man to be enslaved to any false deity: nature, drugs, lust, money, other men, desire, or sex. He provides the proofs that he is the One who can deliver man from the slavery to any form of creation and to turn to his Creator alone.

The Creator has Perfect Attributes. He is the First, nothing is before Him. He is the Last, everything ends except Him; the Most High, nothing is above Him; the Most Near, nothing is beyond His reach and his compassing, and He is the Most High in His nearness. He is the Ever-Living, to Him we shall all return, where everyone will be dealt with in the Most Perfect and Just way. He does not beget nor is He begotten. Those who attribute Divinity to Jesus forget or ignore the fact that Jesus was in a mother’s womb. He needed nutrition; he was born and grew up to be a man. He was trusted with the Gospel (Injeel) as a message to the Children of Israel. A man-messenger calling his nation not to worship him. A man who needs to eat, walk, sleep, rest, etc. cannot have Divine Attributes because he is in need, but Allāh, the God of Jesus, is far above any imperfection.

With respect to Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Rastafarianism, etc., all are forms of worship to created beings/things in one form or another. Jews had attributed a nationalistic belonging to Allāh: “The Tribal God” of Israel. Men and women following these religions were born with the natural inclination of worshipping their Creator, Allāh. It is their parents who had driven them into their respective traditions. Once they are exposed to the Signs of Allāh around them, or in the Qur’ān, or to someone who triggers their Fitrah (natural inclination to worship Allāh alone), the reverting process begins, and that is why we see a universal spreading of Islām.

There are many distortions of Islām in the media, worldwide. However, Despite the wrong practices of some Muslims (rulers and ruled) in some countries, those who seek the truth are judging Islām according to its doctrines. That is why we continue to witness a global growth in the number of people accepting this true religion of Allāh. The opposition to Islām will intensify with the spread of this truth in the world. This is not a conflict of “civilisations”, but rather the real struggle between the truths presented in the creed and principles of Islām and false doctrines and ways of worship. This is a real challenge for those who seek the Truth. Man is created for a purpose: to live a life in accordance with Allāh’s way. Why Not? Do we posses the air we breathe? Did we create ourselves or others? Or were we ourselves the Creators? So is it our right to ignore our Creator when we are all need of Him?

Allāh is All-Just and All-Wise. He does not intend confusion for His Creation. The religion accepted to Him is the one chosen by Him. Its essence must be One, because He is One and only one True God. It is the religion of submission to the Will and Commandment of the One Who brought us to life, the Ever Living who will never die. It is the complete way of life for all mankind. All these qualities are chosen by Allāh in His only religion: Islām.

I hope that you will come with an open heart to read the Noble Qur’ān, because none can expose the truth better than the World of Allāh. The Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) in Arabic and it is not authored by him for he was unlettered. The translations of its meanings into many languages are available in bookstores or in an Islāmic Center close to you.

You may want to know how does one become a Muslim. In order to become a Muslim one must openly recite ash-Shahadah (the profession of faith): La ilaaha illAllāh, Muhammad Rasoolullaah, which means that there is no true god except Allāh and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allāh. This means that there is no god worthy of being worshipped but Allāh, and that He must be worshipped only according to the teaching of His Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Those teachings are best understood by the Prophet’s companions, and those who rightfully follow their path until the Day of Resurrection. They are called as-salaf as-saalih (the Righteous Predecessors). May Allāh, the Most High, guide us all to this path.

By: Dr. Saleh As-Saleh

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